Wednesday, September 30th
Reminders: EHS Terry Fox Run: Friday, October 2 Wear you Eric Harvie School colours ( blue & orange ) on Friday, October 2. This year is the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope and Eric Harvie School is proud to be continuing the legacy of one of our greatest heroes. Please join us and support this wonderful cause by donating to: l . Together, we can all make a difference! #terryfoxschoolruns @terryfoxfoundation Bring you ‘toonies for Terry’ and drop them off at your school entrance door every morning during the week. Eric Harvie School raised over 4000.00 last year and even more in previous years. Let’s reach for that again this year! If you have not done so already, please send in your Student Insight Questionnaire to your child's teacher. Please have a conversation with your child about keeping hands to themselves at school. As we get more comfortable with ou...