Thursday, September 24th


EHS Terry Fox Run: Friday, October 2

This year is the 40th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope and Eric Harvie School is proud to be continuing the legacy of one of our greatest heroes. Please join us and support this wonderful cause by donating to: Together, we can all make a difference! #terryfoxschoolruns @terryfoxfoundation


Eric Harvie School raised over 4000.00 last year and even more in previous years.  Let’s reach for that again this year!


Next Wednesday - Orange Shirt Day:

Orange Shirt Day is on September 30 annually. It began in 2013 when residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad shared how her orange shirt was taken away on her first day at residential school. This story is an opportunity for students and staff to reflect on history, legacy and implications, to discuss stories of survival and strength and to share ways we can work together toward truth and reconciliation. It is an opportunity to commit to commemorating the children who attended residential schools, recognizing their experiences, honoring them and sharing a collective commitment to ensure that every child matters and that each student is welcome, safe, respected and cared for in their learning community every day. ~Taken from CBE Learning Resource on Orange Shirt Day: Indigenous Education

On September 30th, 2020 Eric Harvie School will demonstrate our commitment to reconciliation through Orange Shirt Day. We invite our staff, students and community to wear an Orange Shirt showing your dedication to open and continue the dialogue about residential schooling. Teachers will acknowledge this significant day through rich learning opportunities related through the disciplines. Please see your child’s blog for more details about how the class explores the slogan “Every Child Matters” what it means to matter and how children matter in our communities.

Our Day:

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today Mr. Kai and Ms. Wauthier's classes received 'Read to Self' books and practiced silent reading. The students were so excited to get books in their hands and spent about 15 minutes reading silently. Ask your child what book they are reading!

Last week, our classes went to the Coulee and collected various items such as sticks, leaves, and pebbles. Today, students were able to use what we found in the Coulee to create their own nature mobiles. Take a look at some of the mobiles we created!

Students also played outside and battled the wind. During body break today, many of the students took shelter from the wind under the slide! We still had plenty of fun and it made for many laughs.

We ended the week with gratitude time and students shared what they were grateful for this week. We love hearing what students are grateful for. Here are some things we heard today:

  • "I'm grateful that we got to do art with leaves and sticks today"
  • "I'm grateful that I get to play with my friends at the park"
  • "I'm grateful for my friend that I get to sit beside"

We hope you enjoy your Friday off tomorrow, and we will see you on Monday!


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