Students may wear costumes to school on Thursday, October 29th.  Face masks are still to be worn and we are asking children not to wear costume masks that cover the whole face. Please keep costume accessories at home so they are not lost. Please do not bring treats for your children to share or give out. 

Our day:

Mrs. Campbell's class has started exploring 2D shapes. Look around your house and neighbourhood - what 2D shapes can you see? We have started to learn a little bit about spiders. We are connecting our novel study of Charlotte's Web to our learning about small crawling and flying animals. Ask you child about some facts they've learned about spiders. We created some spider web zendoodles in art today and did some journal writing today. Students were given some free writing time to write about a topic of their choice. A popular topic was Halloween. We also read a book called, The Prairie that Nature Built, and talked about what some characteristics of prairies are.


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