Wednesday October 28th

"Sticky fingers, tired feet; One last house, trick or treat!" - Rusty Fischer


Students may wear costumes to school tomorrow! Face masks are still to be worn and we are asking children not to wear costume masks that cover the whole face. Please keep costume accessories at home so they are not lost. Please do not bring treats for your children to share or give out. 

We can't wait to see all of the costumes!


We started our day with Roots of Empathy and students had a chance to ask their classroom baby questions such as:

- Can your baby walk yet?
- Can your baby talk yet?
- Can your baby roll over yet?

We learned about different ways that babies communicate with us before they learn to speak. Ask your child what they learned about their classroom baby!

We had a chance to read to ourselves and have been learning new strategies for this. Students have been learning to first read the pictures, then look at the words they know, then retell the story as they remember it. Students have been enjoying learning new ways to read books!

While Ms. Wauthier's class enjoyed music, Mr. Kai's class began their work in preparation for Remembrance Day. We have an exciting art video being put together. Ask your child what they are working on in Art!

We also spent some time today talking and preparing for the Student Led Walk happening next week. Because we are unable to welcome families physically into the school, we are planning on hosting a full week of student learning starting on Monday November 2nd and ending Friday November 6th. Student work from September until now will be posted on the windows of our classrooms. Students have chosen the work they are most proud. Anytime next week, you can walk by the windows outside and take a look at the work we have been doing! Your child will share with you what they have learned and why we did these activities. There will be more information about this on the blog in the coming days, so stay tuned!

We will see you tomorrow for halloween fun and learning!


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