Wednesday January 27th, 2021


- We will be continuing our measuring project tomorrow, so please ensure your child brings their plastic or wooden toy to school to finish up!

- NO SCHOOL on Friday January 29th!

- Get outside and be active! 

Wednesday, February 3 is this year’s Winter Walk Day.  The goal is to get more Albertans physically active outdoors during the winter.  Just because it is cold outside, it does not mean we can’t be active outdoors.  Most of us already doing this; February 3 is a great time to celebrate it.  It may be as simple as walking to and from school, playing in the snow, taking a walk after dinner, going bird watching, or any of the countless activities we are fortunate to be able to do during the winter.   

Our Day:

- Today we moved into the revision stage of our Writer's Workshop, giving students the opportunity to go back to their writing and make it more clear for their readers using punctuation, finger spacing and correcting spelling. This week students wrote about their best friend!

- We were very excited to watch our virtual Peace Assembly today, and had a chance to talk and draw all about a place that makes us feel peaceful.

- While Mrs. Bowles' class went to music, Mr. Kai's class had an opportunity to finish working on their magnetic toys. 

- Students continued to work on their measuring project in math and are using different math vocabulary such as shorter, longer, taller, and wider. Ask your child how they measure their toy today!

- Today we had Roots of Empathy and read the book Mean Jean the Recess Queen. Ask your child about what the story was about and how we can help make others feel included!

- We talked a bit about the Tuscany moose that was spotted today by a fellow parent!


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