February 23, 2021


Tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day! Please wear pink or red or and EHS t-shirt if you have one to support peace, kindness and friendship and to spread the message of lifting one another up.

Highlights from our day:

  • In Math we continued to learn about odd and even numbers and began to talk about the patterns in our place value system. Through our number talk we discovered that our place value system, in kid language, "gets bigger by a zero as you move right - 1, 10, 100 - in other words it increases by a factor of 10. This helps us understand the value of a numeral in a number. We also played two math games. Instructions will posted below for those interested in playing at home. 
  • Mrs. Campbell's class talked about Big and Small problems and how to solve them independently and if you need an adult to help or not. 
  • In social we began looking at populations in Alberta's rural and urban area, and finished up some work learning about the Acadians. 
  • Mrs. Campbell's class designed some pink shirt day t-shirts with positive messages
Math game instructions:

1.Odd and Even Game

Skills:  addition to 10, odd and even


Students can play independently or with a partner.


Each player arranges their cards as follows:


       3      5      7      9 11

   2      4      6          8      10


Before players begin they predict which set of numbers they will eliminate first – either odd or the even set.  Players then take turns rolling one or two dice and begin eliminating sums of their rolls.

Players continue to take turns until one player has removed all of their cards.



2.Place Value Comparisons

Skills: comparing two numbers, odd and even

Players: 2 or more

Equipment:  cards (Ace =1) – 9, die

Getting Started:  The deck is placed face down. Each player turns over two cards from the deck and makes a two-digit number. The die is rolled by one player. If the roll is even, the bigger number scores.  If it is odd, the smaller number scores.

Example:     Player 1 Player 2

  7   3   5   4



Dice roll 2 is even and therefore player one scores


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