Wednesday, April 21, 2021
We will not be going to the coulee tomorrow, as we originally planned, as we went Wednesday instead.
Highlights from our Day:
We had an amazing day at the coulee today. The weather was perfect! The biologists in Mrs. Campbell's class looked for evidence of spring and documented their findings in their visual journals. They will transfer this information into their nature journals going forward.
The historians in Mrs. Bowles' class went back to their sit spots to look for change. They connected to their work on the bison by sketching the bison statue and listening to the story of how Turtle Island was created. They also sketched the tipi circle.
The environmentalists in Mr. Kai's class searched for signs of human interference in the coulee such as litter, broken branches, and footpaths off the trail. They gathered this information as evidence to use in their persuasive writing. They also listened to the sound of silence in their sit spots.
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