Thursday - May 27 - Coulee Walk
Please return all visual journals, work completed over our online learning, headphones, and indoor shoes.
What a great day for a coulee walk! The sky was sunny, the birds were singing and the students were experiencing so much in the natural surroundings.
The Biologists:
Spent time at what we call "The Duck Pond," but we may need to rename it as we got to see a muskrat! It was as if the stars aligned as yesterday we were learning about the Canada Goose and lo and behold a pair of Canada Geese flew up into the air and we could connect this to our learning. We also had time to do a Wetland Scavenger Hunt.
The Environmentalists:
The coulee was our laboratory, to identify the human impact on the coulee. We gathered our findings and we will be using this information to assess the positive and negative impact on the coulee. We also were being environmental stewards of the coulee by picking up the trash as we moved through the coulee.
The Historians:
We brought the past to the present today in the coulee. While sitting in our sit spots we talked about what would this place be like 1000 years ago. We looked at what in our coulee today would be similar to 1000 years ago. We also looked at the tipi circle. One student mentioned, "I thought it would be bigger."
The students were tired when we returned but they were buzzing about the experiences that they shared.
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